Coal Drops Yard Pavilion

Artist’s impression of the new pavilion

View of the new Pavilion at Coal Drops Yard

Following conversations with the community throughout spring and early summer, we have now submitted a planning application to Camden Council to introduce a new Pavilion within Coal Drops Yard.

The planning application has now been validated by Camden Council, which means you can view the proposals on the Council’s planning portal and submit any comments you may have. This can be done by searching for the planning application reference number – 2024/3019/P – on the Council’s planning portal, here.

We would like to thank all those who have taken the time to meet with us to discuss the proposals and our plans for the future of retail at King’s Cross. We appreciate all the feedback we have received and are pleased to see that our ambitions for the site are supported by so many of those who live and work locally.

Read on to find out more about our proposals for the new Coal Drops Yard Pavilion and view the materials we presented during the consultation.

Our proposals

Improve the overall shopping and dining experience for customers

Improve the overall shopping and dining experience for customers

Create a more vibrant place with additional landscaping and dwell space

Create a more vibrant place with additional landscaping and dwell space

Improve navigation in and around Coal Drop Yards

Improve navigation in and around Coal Drops Yard

Create new accessible retail opportunities

Create new accessible retail opportunities

Meet the team

King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership (KCCLP)

The King’s Cross estate is owned by KCCLP, which comprises pension fund AustralianSuper and clients of the international business of Federated Hermes. Related Argent is the Asset and Development Manager for King’s Cross and is developing plans for the Coal Drops Yard Pavilion on KCCLP’s behalf.

Fathom Architects

Fathom Architects specialises in unlocking complex briefs and sensitive sites. A unique collective of specialists centred around a core team of creative architects, Fathom Architects creates places that are successful contextually, commercially and for their communities. Not unfathomable, but simply places that connect deeply with people.

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